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Centre vélivole du Val de l'Eure
Sporting activities

Sailing – Centre vélivole du Val de l’Eure


Come gliding, learn to glide, take your pilot's test, train for competitions or do a maiden flight full of sensations.

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Ecole de paramoteurs
Sporting activities

Paramoteur School “Les Ailes d’Horus”


Our aerial sport allows the greatest number of people from 7 to 77 years old and over to discover the earth from the sky, in complete safety.

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Cercle Nautique de la Beauce
Sporting activities

Cercle Nautique de la Beauce


Enjoy sailing according to your whim! The Cercle Nautique de la Beauce proposes sailing by the day or half-day to discover the delights of sailing in a fun way. Sailing and canoeing by the hour.

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