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Historical sites and monuments

Eglise Notre Dame et Nativité du XVII° siècle


This picturesque and somewhat unusual little chapel is home to a set of 80cm-tall terra cotta statues representing the Soisson family.

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Château de Blanville
Historical sites and monuments

Château de Blanville


A precious specimen of the manor house rebuilt under Louis XIII, Château de Blanville, surrounded by a park, has conserved all the simplicity, distinction and balance of that great century.

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Historical sites and monuments

Guiding Tour Châteaudun


A historic site on a rocky outcropping overlooking the Loir, set around the castle and the market square. A trip back in time through the steep, winding streets, past stone or half-timbered houses with rich decor, religious and civil buildings.

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Eglise de Châtillon-en-Dunois
Historical sites and monuments


A magnificent 12th-century church in traditional stone, displaying traces of Romanesque, Gothic and Classical architectural style without ever sacrificing its harmony. Remarkable frescoes, structure, lectern and altarpiece. Keys available from the ...

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Château de Maintenon
Park and garden, Historical sites and monuments

Château de Maintenon


Enter the "secret gardens" of the Sun King. Discover the furnished home of Madame de Maintenon, whose eternal youth charmed Louis XIV the all-powerful.

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Historical sites and monuments

Moulin de Chesnay Moutiers


Windmill built in 1770, set 800 metres from the village of Moutiers. It inspired the most famous of all Beauce millers, Marcel Barbier, the poet and songster.

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